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An empowered and supported pregnancy and birth

Doula and Education service in Metro Atlanta.

Dedicated to empowering birthing families through evidence-based education, communication, physical and emotional support, and advocacy.

Meet Alycia Cullen CD(DONA)

The Role of a Doula in Your Birth Team

Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

A doula’s goal is to:

  • Empower birthing families to be centered in their birth story and care
  • Build trust between a person’s body and their labor
  • Provide full physical and emotional support during labor, birth, and immediately post-partum
  • Educate on birth options and potential medical interventions
  • Equip partners to be as involved as they are comfortable
  • Facilitate communication between medical staff and the birthing family
  • Practice pain relief measures
  • Help navigate the medical labor and delivery system in Metro Atlanta

Doula-supported labors are:

28% less likely to have a cesarean section

31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) to speed up labor

9% less likely to use any pain medication

34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively

Doulas fill the gaping void in perinatal care between growing families and the standard healthcare system, creating a safer and more supported birth.

Alycia is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for pregnant persons of any age, religion, race, sexual identity, gender identity or relationship status.